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Health And Safety Policy Statement


Treadwell recognises and is committed to our moral and legal responsibilities in providing a safe and healthy work environment for our employees, subcontractors, customers and visitors. We extend this commitment to ensuring our local community is safe from potential risk from any of our business operations.

Our health and safety performance is supported by our commitment to implementing and maintaining effective workplace health and safety practices by:

  • Constantly seeking improvements in all areas of our health and safety operations by developing, documenting and monitoring our work practices;
  • Strictly adhering to workplace health and safety legislation and ensuring compliance through regular and consistent reporting and auditing;
  • Ensuring all employees and visitors understand their health and safety responsibilities by providing safety awareness inductions, training and programs in an effort to providing a safe working environment;
  • Providing and maintaining buildings and equipment in safe working condition;
  • Managing work health and safety risks in the workplace;
  • Encouraging all near misses and incidents to be reported to aid in the improvement of our work practices and ensure our ‘ZERO BLAME’ culture is reinforced;
  • Conducting investigations into all reported incidents and ensure that appropriate return to work programs are in place;
  • Conduct regular reviews of our policies and procedures so that our commitment to provide a safe, healthy work environment and culture can be achieved.

The focus of Treadwell’s Health and Safety Management System is preventing hazards. We have developed a framework for health and safety management and a plan for systematic risk assessment and control of hazards, to progressively improve safe behaviours and safe systems of work across the business, and we will continue to develop and improve this system.